Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Do wiccans worship the devil?

I was on youtube the other day watching some witchcraft videos.
I love to watch these types of videos since I always learn something new about what other witches and Wiccans are doing, and as everyone probably does, I went on the comments to read if someone else has some tips that the youtuber didn't share and there was this Lady trashing our whole craft.
The point is that I always read comments and this SAME lady was under literally every video about Wicca talking about how we are worshiping the Devil, throwing bible pieces and stuff like that. 

I replied to this lady asking her weather her job was commenting under every video about Wicca sharing her opinion in a non polite way, other than the fact that nobody asked for her opinion.
We, as witches, wiccans, pagans ect, are pretty used to deal with close minded people but I just hate when people share their opinion without wanting to listen to others. 

Now, we do NOT worship the devil. 
I don't want to hear anything about: "Everything that's not Christianity is Devil worshipping."
That is NOT true, and you have to stop it, or you can believe that but click off this article and don't watch another single video about Wicca on youtube, be careful 'cause you're gonna burn in hell. 
Now, after everyone understood my anger towards people that don't let us live our life, I am going to explain to you why we don't worship the Devil.

Wicca as a religion was created around the 40s but it comes from Pagan beliefs, paganism was here before Christ and Christianity, this is why we don't worship the Devil, because when Paganism was here the concept of the Devil wasn't, christianity in itself took so many things from pagan traditions. 
The concept of Satan is a Christian concept so us Wiccans do not share it nor believe in it, Wiccans have different believes, some believe in a God and a Goddess, some believe in just a Goddess, some believe in different entities but NOBODY worships Satan or the Devil or whatever you want, the thing that comunes us all is that we worship nature, and Mother Earth. 
We do not believe in the existence of the Devil although some of us do believe in Demons as negative entities, including myself, but we protect against them and we don't worship them. 
We do not believe in hell not heaven since those are Christian concepts. 

Hopefully this helped you to understand better what we do or don't believe in, the important thing is for you to know that we don't worship the Devil, and that's it, but if you'll still be interested into knowing what we believe in stay tuned and I'll have more in depth articles about that, and remember,
Blessed be. 

Follow me on social media:
Instagram: wiccanandwitches
Twitter: wiccanandwitches1

Monday, April 27, 2020

Do wiccans sacrifice animals?

As I told you in the introductory article, in this raw of articles I am going to debunk the most asked questions about Wicca.
The first one when it comes to Wicca is: Do you sacrifice Animals? Or do you worship the Devil?
Now, as far as the second question I am going to have a separate article because it's a lot deeper than this. 

So, do Wiccans sacrifice animals? 
Simple answer: NO!

We do NOT sacrifice animals. 
You need to understand that most Wiccans live by the Wiccan Rede that says "An ye harm none, do what you will."
Obviously sacrificing animals is harming a creature of earth therefore not done by anyone. 
In my opinion and I think many Wiccans will back me up on this one, sacrificing animals is not only illegal, (in my country at least) but disgusting and so, so, so bad to do.
When you sacrifice something you are getting involved with very, VERY, negative energies and we don't work with them.
Most Wiccans are actually vegans because of the Wiccan Rede. 
So no, we do not sacrifice animals in any way, shape or form.
We are not even supposed to talk trash about other people, let alone sacrificing animals. 

Hope you enjoyed this article, let me know in the comments what you thought about it and I'll see you in the next discussion that spoiler alert, will be about us wiccans worshiping the devil, and trust me, I have a lot to say about that. 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The wiccan and witches project

I am Klaren O'Connor, a student and writer.
I was born and raised in Italy and at the age of 14 I started having questions on the world, questions like, what's astral projection, how does the ouija board work and all these things. 
I kept looking and looking until I found out about Paganism and Wicca. 
It was like finding home after so many years looking for it. 

I hope you can find this blog and consider it your safe spot, you will never be judged here, I created this blog to spread knowledge o Wicca and Paganism, to make people know what we believe in, that we don't worship the Devil or anything like that. 

I wanted to create this blog for people that are already practising Wicca, to share our tips, I wanted this to be a safe place for us where to discuss spiritual topics. 
You can leave in the comments what kinds of articles do you want me to discuss and I'll get to all of them, if you want to tell me something, here is my email address:
This platform won't be just for Wiccans but it will also be for Witches, so also for people that just practise witchcraft but not Wicca as a religion.
We will speak about wiccan symbols, how to set a wiccan altar also for people that have to practice in secret, we will talk about the wiccan rede, about some of the most powerful spells I have ever used, about the wiccan holidays and how to celebrate them.

I'll share some of my most powerful spells and rituals and you can feel free to share your own, this will be our community, our secret spot. 

I will start with answering the most asked questions about Wicca and Witchcraft so that you'll always be able to come back here if you have any doubts, and then we will proceed to the advanced stuff. 

I'm going to try my best to make this blog what I wanted it to be when I didn't have any guides when I was 14.

With this being said, I hope you'll enjoy my project and learn as much as you can.
Blessed be. 

Follow my reading blog. :)
Follow me on twitter for daily updates and some curious stuff about me:
Stay tuned for my instagram and other social media platforms. 

Do wiccans worship the devil?

I was on youtube the other day watching some witchcraft videos. I love to watch these types of videos since I always learn something new ...